Replays Are Now Available
Register for the A.G.E.S. 2024 Annual Fall Conference
A.G.E.S. Annual Fall Conference 2024 –
A Celebration of All Natural Solutions!
Free Virtual Masterclass
Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 |
5pm Central
Annual Conference
Friday, Sept 13 & Saturday, Sept 14, 2024 |
8am - 10pm Central
Master of Ceremonies
Special Guest Teachers
& The Teen A.G.E.S.
In Loving Memory
Dr. Rashid Buttar Hope, Humanity & Freedom Award Winner
A VERY Special Surprise Speaker for all VIP+ Attendees during Friday Night Dinner
PLUS! CE Credits for Professionals
31 Contact Hours for Continuing Education
Conference Agenda
- What's New
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Replay Pricing
There’s so much AMAZING stuff going on at the
Healing for the A.G.E.S. Annual Fall Conference 2024!
In 2023, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt launched a movement to return the medicine God intended for us all to the pinnacle of the medical mountain where it deserves to be.
At the A.G.E.S. Annual Fall Conference 2023, the Fantastic 4 Natural Docs showed you how to prevent bioweapons from getting into your body!
At the A.G.E.S. Virtual Solution Summit 2024, the Fantastic 4 showed you how to neutralize EMF bioweapons connecting to the magnificent healing power of Mother Earth!
Now, at the A.G.E.S. Annual Fall Conference 2024, the Fantastic 4 are at it again… and this time, with a little help from their friends.
If you joined us in person last year, you already know how incredible it felt to be in attendance. Like a real family reunion. GREAT NEWS, this year is going to be even better!
Did you know 13 is actually a very lucky number?
This year, on Friday, September 13th, you have the great fortune of learning from the man with tremendous wisdom in natural medicine, Dr. Robert Scott Bell; the true medical rebel for truth, Dr. Lee Merritt; and the woman who has taken on evil and is still standing tall, Dr. Judy Mikovits!
On Friday, Dr. Bryan Ardis will also introduce you to The Teen A.G.E.S. who will show you what’s really going on with teens throughout our great nation! If they can learn what to do to be naturally healthy, so can you!
Plus on Friday evening, all of our VIP+ In-Person Attendees are in for a real treat!
This September, Healing for the A.G.E.S. is launching the inaugural Dr. Rashid Buttar Hope, Humanity & Freedom Award. For all VIP+ Attendees, you’ll be excited to see who the VERY special surprise guest being honored is! This special surprise guest will honor us all with a 30 minute message of hope and freedom. You’ll also get to spend quality time with them, our special guest teachers, our wonderful MC, Jonno Otto, and Dr. Ardis, Dr. Group, Dr. Ealy & Dr. Schmidt, too!
- Are we going to take pictures with the Fantastic 4 again this year? Yep. You betcha!
- Are we going to learn how to get this nanotech out of our bodies so we can live healthy & free? Yep. You betcha!
- Are we going to get to eat delicious Organic food and get an amazing SWAG bag? Yep. You betcha!
- And are we going to get to party all night long like Lionel Richie on Saturday night? Come on now… it wouldn’t be Healing for the A.G.E.S. without a PARTY!
If you can’t attend in person, we got you again this year… Just get your Virtual VIP ticket, sit back, and enjoy our unique blend of EDUtainment & NEWtrition.
And remember, EVERYONE at Healing for the A.G.E.S. is a VIP because EVERYONE is Family here. So, everyone gets access to all the replays, all the downloadable presentations, and all the special discounts from our incredible Sponsors & Vendors!
This is definitely THE conference to be at this year and we can’t wait to see you again in Dallas on September 13th and 14th!
In-person? We’ve got a whole bunch of hugs waiting for you.
Virtual? We’ve got a whole lot of love that you can feel through your screen too.
So, Make Sure to Register Today and Together,
Let’s Re-Enlighten Our World!
Thursday, September 12, 2024 | 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Central
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Registration & Expo Center Open
Please check in for the conference to receive your badge and materials.
A.G.E.S. FREE Masterclass w/ Special Guests (VIRTUAL ONLY)
What Are The Causes of Cancer?
Join Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt as they discuss the multitude of causes, both molecular and emotional, in this FREE Masterclass to kickoff the Healing for the A.G.E.S. 2024 Annual Fall Conference in Dallas, Texas and virtual, all around the world!
The Fantastic 4 will be joined in studio by a multitude of special guests to discuss a word more feared than even COVID. Bioweapons, GMOs, Contrast Agents, Biopsies, EMFs, Imaging Machines, Silver Fillings, Parasites, Toxic Relationships, Toxic Thoughts and more… let’s get the conversation started about the topic that affects us all, to set the stage for our celebration of natural solutions over the next two days.
This discussion is essential for everyone in attendance live and virtual on September 13th & 14th, so make sure to be ready to go because there is a lot to share as usual!
Friday, September 13, 2024 | 7:30 AM – 10:00 PM Central
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Registration & Expo Center Open
Dr. Jana Schmidt & Dr. Robert Scott Bell
The Power of Botanicals & Homeopathy for Healing
Let’s explore the lost history of natural healing, making it accessible for everyone. There are powerful properties in botanical plants that resonate with how our bodies function and are designed to heal. These powerful properties become even more potent as homeopathic medicines in the true spirit of Samuel Hahnemann.
Did you know that your favorite herbal tinctures can be transformed into personalized homeopathic remedies? Drs. Jana Schmidt & Robert Scott Bell will show you how simple it is to make medicine with a few necessities you probably have at home or can readily acquire. They will share techniques first developed on battlefields, far from any FDA-approved laboratories. If this can be done while bombs are going off all around, think how easy it will be for you and your loved ones to do at home. It’s so fun and easy, children of all ages will love making botanical and homeopathic remedies with you!
The future of medicine lives in its past, as we find our way back to our roots, living the way God designed us to — naturally!
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Audience Q&A Session #1
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Bio Break & Expo Center Open
Dr. Edward Group & Dr. Lee Merritt
Stopping The Truman Show Transhumanistic Agenda
What Dr. Ed Group & Dr. Lee Merritt have to share with you in this jaw-dropping presentation may defy belief for some.
Discover new research revealing problems often dismissed as science fiction and learn natural solutions to help you protect yourself and loved ones from the Transhumanistic Agenda. Why and how is the cabal creating your reality? Why and how are they investing so much effort into deceiving you with mountains of distracting false information and edited history that mimics The Truman Show movie?
Learn what products and approaches are working the best to deactivate the poisons, toxins and nanotechnology many don’t even know they are buying, get a more in-depth look into the whys of Internal and External Environmental Detoxification and understand how to restore your Liver and Gut naturally.
Once you know what to do, you can move beyond surviving into THRIVING! Now is the time to master the life-healing information Drs. Group & Merritt will share with you!
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
Audience Q&A Session #2
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Delicious Organic Lunch & Expo Center Open
Dr. Henry Ealy & Dr. Judy Mikovits
God Lives in Every Single Cell of Your Amazing Body
Lunchtime is over, it’s time to imagine yourself confident and cancer-free for eternity!
Spend the afternoon with Dr. Henry Ealy — or Dr. H to all his wonderful students — as he has more than a little help from his dear friend, the GREAT Dr. Judy Mikovits!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Learn about your amazing body visually, in ways that are easy to understand and you’ll never forget! How do cancer-causing chemicals in your air, water, food, cosmetics and even your thoughts(!) get into your body? When in nano form, how do they embed themselves in your cells until you do something about it?
God lives in every cell of your amazing body and God designed your amazing body to HEAL! It might be called Epigenetics by man, but make no mistake, it’s God at work inside you every moment you’re alive. What’s important to understand is that you do have control. What’s crucial to understand is that the choices you make every day determine whether or not your cells are hurting or healing.
Building off of what you learned at the 2023 AGES Fall Conference and 2024 Virtual Solution Summit, journey into the amazing world of your cells. See what’s going on in the nucleus where your chromosomes have every record of what you are physically. Learn how ‘they’ are attempting to modify your DNA as if you were a seed.
Now is the time to stop being a patient and become a student. You’ll get to laugh as the Docs teach you about something you’ve never heard before: ‘Cell Sharting’ (it’s a medical term — or at least it will be once Dr. H gets finished with it LOL). Learn how your body is designed to get these cancer-causing chemicals OUT and prevent the modification of your sacred genome. Let’s Go To Work Healers!
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Audience Solution Session #1
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Bio Break & Expo Center Open
Dr. Bryan Ardis & The Teen A.G.E.S.
5 Simple Ways to Make Sure You Stay Sick, and 5 Simple Ways to Get Well
Welcome Dr. Bryan Ardis to the stage for the final presentation of the day, designed to prepare you for a BIG Saturday of education!
Get a front-row look at scientific evidence that your Immune System really does have the ability to heal you of ALL disease; from the Common Cold to Cancers of All Kinds!
Dr. Ardis’ Dad always said, “Some people ‘talk about it’, other people ‘do it’.” Well, enough talking about the Immune System and its incredible ability to heal you. Its time to show you once and for all!
Watch as he shows you real videos and undeniable scientific evidence that the human body is more miraculous at its job to rid your body of infections than any prescription drug ever could be!
Is there definitive evidence that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t EVER want you to believe, much less know or see? This conference is called Healing for the A.G.E.S. for a reason. What Big pHarma doesn’t want you to know is that your Immune System doesn’t need any drugs, radiation or other toxic interventions to heal you of any infections on Earth.
Your immune system needs you to get out of its way… and to stop suppressing it. You have been taught to be your Immune System’s worst enemy. Joined by the Teen A.G.E.S., Dr. Ardis will give you complete confidence in your ability to intelligently support your Immune System, love your Immune System and give your body all the rest it needs to heal.
Your Immune System was designed by The Almighty to be all mighty, so reclaim your health!
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Connection Reception, Expo Center Open, & Family Photos
Saturday, September 14, 2024 | 7:30 AM – 11:00 PM Central
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Registration & Expo Center Open
Dr. Jana Schmidt
Cleansing Causes of Cancer Part 1 – Your Immune System’s BFFs
As you’ll learn on Friday, God’s Divine Design of your Immune System is complex, yet simple and incredible!
Empower yourself by learning God-given safe, effective and natural solutions to help re-enlighten your Immune System so it can function at the highest levels to help cleanse the causes of cancer from your body.
Power up your Immune System to destroy harmful pathogens, detox radiation, clean your blood and create an internal ‘shield’ of protection just for you. Dr Jana Schmidt will share with you actual microscopic images captured by Healing for the A.G.E.S. clinical scientists that display the powerful partnership of our Immune System and natural resources. You may be utilizing some of these natural resources already… here’s a hint: Buzz buzz.
It’s so easy to incorporate God-given resources that you’ll think to yourself, ‘I’m going to start doing all of this…TODAY!’
Warning… this presentation may cause health and happiness!
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Audience Q&A Session #3
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Bio Break & Expo Center Open
Dr. Edward Group
Cleansing Causes of Cancer Part 2 – We’ve Finally Found the Trojan Horse & What You Can Do To Wipe It Out!
In this, never seen before urgent update, Dr. Group reveals new research on the Trojan Horse the cabal are using to infiltrate your cells.
These secret bioweapons hide in plain sight and are being used to poison you and everyone you love. They are an essential part of the diabolical plot to create self-assembling nanotech complete with synthetic polymers, integrated Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) ligands, graphene, microplastics, n1-methylated Pseudouridine, hydrogels, venoms, synthetic hemoglobin, synthetic red blood cells, synthetic silkworm and spider fibers along with other molecular structures deadly to your cells.
Why? So, they can say, ‘It’s all in your head’ when it’s really ‘all in your body.’ The cabal thought this shocking revelation would never be discovered… They were WRONG!
While the ‘scientific’ community remains silent or unaware of what is going on, this Trojan Horse bioweapon is a topic that must be discussed.
Dr. Group will reveal multiple proven ways you can neutralize and cleanse this Trojan Horse from your body, by reactivating your body’s innate self-healing mechanisms using techniques that won’t cost you a penny!
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
Audience Q&A Session #4
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Delicious Organic Lunch & Expo Center Open
Dr. Henry Ealy
Cleansing Causes of Cancer Part 3 – Chelating Nano Metals
Can you feel it? Dr. H will show you how to get the lead out of your body and so much more!
Do you know what Tellurium, Gadoliniumand Barium are AND why you should NEVER put another contrasting agent in your body?
Do you know how to make the microsomal EDTA maximally effective and how to use it in conjunction with DMSA and key mineral replenishment?
No? Well, don’t worry… You will after this cutting-edge powerhouse presentation!
Sharing decades of expertise & research and the results of over 75 recent heavy metal lab screenings, Dr. H demonstrates the most effective in-home strategy ever designed for getting cancer-causing toxic metals OUT of your body!
He’s going to show you what works, destroying the nonsense out there that distracts you from real solutions, like he always does. This is the long-awaited Step 5 of his Art of Cellular Healing Certification program at the Energetic Health Institute.
Cancer isn’t something that “just happens;” it’s not something to blame on your parents; and it certainly isn’t something to be afraid of. Ask Dr. H why cancer is a blessing and he’ll show you how to cancel cancer, restore God living within you, AND upset the Internet of Things. You know… that nightmare ‘they’ want you to pay for. Yeah, Funk That!
Dr. H is going to teach you how to fight without fighting, so you can be the a-hole to evil God wants you to be!
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Audience Solution Session #2
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Bio Break & Expo Center Open
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Cleansing Causes of Cancer Part 4 – Long-COVID… Just the FACTS!
ONE scientific document from 2024 and THREE Research Studies that explain 100% of ‘Long-COVID’ symptoms AND the medical screenings and solutions to ask your doctor for so you can finally start to heal!
Millions of people worldwide are finding their lives ruined from the lasting side effects of a COVID infection or maybe just from the ‘damn shots’.
Listen in as Dr. Ardis does it again, explaining every single Long-COVID symptom that persists in people struggling to get their life back to this day.
This is a presentation no one else on Earth has ever seen and one you’ll never forget! Taken straight from chapters 14 & 15 of his new book ‘Moving Beyond The COVID-19 Lies, Restoring Hope and Health to Humanity,’ this presentation will bring the house down!
If you have a loved with a new neurological disease, new mental health issue, new blood sugar issues, new heart disease such as myocarditis, or even new diseases that required amputations, Dr. Ardis will share with you real evidence that points to one very specific scientifically-known cause!
You’ll want to know which medical screenings you can order to get the answers you deserve. And, as always, you’ll get the full list of natural solutions available to you to address these very connected health issues and clear the causes of cancer for good!
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Connection Reception & Expo Center Open
8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Good Vibes After Party For EVERYONE!
Featuring Coastland Music by Jamie Schmidt.
Virtual VIP — $199
Missed the livestream, but refuse to miss out? We understand. Get access to conference replays to remain an integral part of the event, experiencing all the key moments live from your home, any time you like!
Can’t Attend In Person? Don’t Worry, We Got You!
You can attend virtually, from anywhere in the world! Plus, as a paid attendee, you’ll get digital access to the recordings to watch at your convenience.
Don’t miss a minute of life-healing, natural solutions brought to you by four professionals that really care and really know their stuff too!
With Over 100 Years of Clinical Experience, We Are Ready to Deliver the Medicine God Intended for Us All!
Brought to You By
Additional Thanks to Our 2024 Sponsors
See What Our Attendees Had To Say!
This was great and encouraging information. Thank you all for your tips and for the sacrifices you all make to get the truth out…”the truth will set you free!” I always look forward to what you have to share with us. May God bless you all:)
Thank You all for standing up and getting the information, choices, the truth out to the masses. I am right there with you! Let
s change the world.
Life saving information. Thank you for empowering us to look after ourselves to glorify our Lord and Creator with optimum health and wellbeing.